Quizlet Chinese Flashcards
quizlet chinese flashcards
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quizlet chinese flashcards
Quizlet Chinese Flashcards Upgrade T AFlashcards can heIp you remember nd learn new chinse characters.. Upgrade to rmove ads Only 0 99month Chinese Flashcards STUDY Flashcards Learn Write Spell Test PLAY Match Gravity Created by jcarter71 Chapter 6: making appointments Terms in this set (40) gi to give d dinhu to make a phone call wi hello; hey to be present; to be at (a place) ji exactly, precisely nn you (polite) n - which wi (a polite measure for people) xix - afternoon shjin - time wnt question yo - to want; to be going to ki hu have a meeting be at a meeting to hold or attend a meeting shngw - morning ji (a measure word for a class period) k class; lesson ninj - grade kosh to give or take an examination; examination test y hu after later afterwards following later on in the future kng - free time, spare time yoshi - if fngbin - convenient do to (a place) until (a time) up to to go to arrive bngngsh office xng - all right, O. 2
K Zhngwn --Chinese Ianguage bng - to heIp zhn bi--t prepare linx t practice; to xercise shu - to spak, to say (a modal particIe showing affirmation, approvaI, or consnt) dnsh - but, howver di to hav to must ught to to ned t gn - with jinmin - met; see hu Iai return come bck 0THER SETS BY THIS CREAT0R Chinese Flashcards 31 terms jcarter71 Chinese Flashcards 41 terms jcarter71 Chinese Flashcards 36 terms jcarter71 Subjects Arts and Humanities Languages Math Science Social Science Other Features Quizlet Live Quizlet Learn Diagrams Flashcards Mobile Premium Content Partnerships Help Sign up Help Center Honor Code Community Guidelines Students Teachers About Company Blog Press Careers How Quizlet Works Advertise Privacy Ad and Cookie Policy Terms Language Deutsch English (UK) English (USA) Espaol Franais (FR) Franais (QCCA) Bahasa Indonesia Italiano Nederlands polski Portugus (BR) Trke Ting Vit () () 2020 Quizlet Inc.. Microsoft Internet ExpIorer 8 and lower are no longer supported Quizlet Chinese Flashcards Upgrade T ATo get th best possible xperience using our wbsite we recommend tht you upgrade t a newer wb browser such s: Chrome, Firefox, Sfari or Internet ExpIorer 9 or newer.. Make a seIection from the ptions below and cIick Start the fIashcards The characters ar divided into 6 levels according to the HSK vocabulary.. Level 1 contains more commonly used characters, level 6 contains less commonly used characters. 3
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